Thursday, April 29

Our New Baby!

No, sorry, that one's still in the belly. But we have ANOTHER baby, thanks to our ludicrous tax return! Observe:

Ah, isn't it lovely?

Maybe I should elaborate.

We used part of our tax return to get a REAL media center. First picture is the small computer designed specifically to hook up to the TV, and be run from a remote. Second picture is the two terabyte (that's 2,000 gigabytes for the less tech savvy) network hard drive holding and streaming all of our more than three hundred [legally obtained and ripped for backup] movies. FINALLY in one usable, watchable place. And making the deal even sweeter is a program Brit found that organizes and catalogs all our movies and TV shows, as well as searching internet sites like Hulu for shows we don't have hard copies of. I think the coolest part is probably how it displays our movies.

It searches the IMDB database or something to display our movies by DVD cover art, with summaries and categories. And the ability to search by name or genre.

I'm in love.

Anyone wanna come over and watch a movie? We probably have it.