Tuesday, January 26


It's amazing how fast your attitude can change completely. When I found out I was having a boy, I admit, I was a little disappointed. I looked longingly at all the sweet baby girl clothes I wouldn't be getting. Now, just a few days later, I can hardly believe I even felt like that. I find myself looking at little boys everywhere, thinking of how cute he's going to be, and anxious to meet him.

How is it possible to love an alien-looking fetus I've never met this much? The feeling is completely overwhelming. I love him. I love feeling his kicks and wiggles, knowing when he wakes up and when he goes back to sleep... I can't wait to see him and kiss him and teach him everything he needs to know. To watch his personality develop into a little real person. Is it really possible to love him more after he's born? REALLY?? Because I don't think it is.

I love being pregnant so much, but at the same time, I'm starting to get anxious (way too early!) to be done and meet my little man. But this is definitely my favorite part of the experience, and at the same time, I never want it to stop. One of the nurses I was working with last night told me I was glowing. I can believe it. I'm so happy I feel like I might just explode.


naptime nostalgia said...

Such a great post!

I remember with my first I cried when I found out it was a boy (I have 3 brothers and no sisters), and I really wanted a girl. But he grew on me in the womb, and I remember thinking the moment he came out that he was absolutely perfect and that he was going to be my little buddy and how grateful I was that it was a boy. And he just gets better with age. Boys are awesome!

Jules AF said...

This is crazy. Like babies are crazy. I can't even say anything about it.

Jen said...

... I don't honestly know how to take that.

Hizzeather said...

Please don't explode...you'd get alien baby everywhere! :)

Congratulations! You should be beaming with joy!

heather said...

This makes me so happy! I have to admit, I'm worried the exact opposite will happen! I want a boy this time around, and I think it'll be a girl. I'm worried that I'll be a little disappointed! But that love is completely natural, and I'm already feeling it whether I want to or not! :) Thanks for reminding me that this is a wonderful time full of anticipation!

Mary said...

I want to work where you do, all the nurses I work with only told me how tired I looked and how fat I was getting!

I was also a little disappointed that I wasn't getting at least one girl, why do they have to make the clothes so cute? But, my hubby has been over the top giddy about the boys that it has rubbed off on me. And even with how uncomfortable I've been, I'm also super excited to see their little personalities develop!!

Co Co said...

Congrats on finding out about the sex! Having a ittle boy before a little girl (I'm sure you'll try for more) means your little girl will have someone to protect her when she's older. I'm sure he'll be an awesome big brother! Best of luck with the remainder of your pregnancy

Cynthia said...

Have to say...I am partial to boys! I am so excited for you and Brit! xo C