I know, I know, I shouldn't be obsessing over this, but it's like a train wreck- I just can't look away. It's both horrifying and comforting all at once. I've spent the last several years closely monitoring my weight (to varying degrees of success), and I know pretty well what the junk I eat should do to my body. And it does not include packing on a pound a day. So there's a part of my brain that's going "Holy crap where is this coming from?!?!", and a slightly smaller part that is comforted by the knowledge that I really do have an alien rapidly growing inside me. Because in this in-limbo phase between morning sickness and showing or feeling kicks, sometimes I really wonder.
Still, though, I'm gonna start exercising and watching what I eat, lest I come out of this pregnancy 250 lbs. Which is where this is headed.
I gained like 7 pounds the first trimester, which is kind of a no-no, but eating is the only thing that helps me not be completely sick. It's hard seeing the scale go up like that, isn't it?
I wish I had a baby to blame my weight gain on. :(
Ditto to what Kristina said.
Yeah..... NGL, it's pretty fabulous. "Oh yeah, I'm not getting fat, I'm just pregnant!" Haha. If only I could fool myself, too...
Hi Jen!
Thanks for all the comments on my blog. I love meeting my stalkers. Hope you don't mind if I stalk you back!
And really, five pounds?! Try gaining ten, and in the first tirmester alone! I'm in the same sick boat as Erin. If I don't eat every eight minutes I feel terrible. So, be glad it's only five. And you even lost a few in the first, so I'd say that cancels out the five and you are now at zero. I'm just a tad jealous. . .
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