I love it to pieces.
Unfortunately, something tragic happened. I spent the entire day surrounded by people who have been around me for at least several months. My personal trainer, the people in my residency class, the teacher of my residency class, my best freinds... And, NOBODY SAID A SINGLE WORD!!!!!!!!!!
So. Friends. Tell me what you think. I know you love it. Tell me so. I DEMAND EXTERNAL VALIDATION.
Honestly, I love it. It is sort of subtle, so maybe they didn't see it?
IT LOOKS REALLY GOOD!!!! WAY CUTE! I can't believe they didn't notice. Sheesh indeed.
Hmmm. Subtle is NOT what i was going for. Sad.
Thanks shannon!!
Other than the fact that I am a fan of your natural hair color, I like it a lot. Red stripes are fun!
it looks freaking HOT. How can you go wrong with red. stripes!
I would say that it looks subtle in the first picture from the front - but from the back it's definitely obvious. I like it! I'm way too chicken to do anything to my hair ... so it's fun to see what others can do. :)
Looks Awesome Jen! You are a bold and daring RN!! Nice Work!
I ove the red!!! I have been debating doing black with blonde highlights. I could understand if they didn't notice it b/c your hair was up.
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